Adena Physicians & Staff, Patient Stories

Pediatrician credits Adena Cancer Center care for her return to caring for her own patients

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CHILLICOTHE, OH (July 2, 2024) - When Adena Health pediatrician Lois Jetty, MD, was diagnosed last fall with breast cancer, some asked if she would be going to Columbus for treatment.

Her answer, every time, was absolutely not. She would trust her care to her colleagues at Adena.

“We have such a wonderful cancer center at Adena, so I always say I want to be here,” Dr. Jetty said. “I am thankful to the Lord that we have this state-of-the-art cancer center right here in Chillicothe and I am so thankful for the strength He has given me and my family as we walked through this journey.”

Dr. Jetty, who recently returned to work providing well-child visits during her recovery, was serving on the hospital board when Adena opened the cancer center in 2012. She certainly never thought she would end up being a patient at the facility. Her experience as a patient, however, has only solidified her belief in the center’s importance to members of the community.

Center patient Dr. Lois Jetty

“People don’t realize what a real jewel we have here. It’s just so welcoming the minute you walk in,” she said. “You feel like you are going into a place where everybody is going to take care of you. You’re treated so special, it just helps you forget everything.”

Dr. Jetty, as a patient, took comfort in how quickly the process to address her condition kicked into gear from the point October 31 that she was called back in to further explore something that appeared on her initial mammogram. She said Bryan Borland, MD, and the staff in radiology quickly got her follow-up screening completed and a biopsy done that came back positive for cancer.

There wasn’t time to dwell on the diagnosis, because she was quickly contacted by surgeon Christin Spahn, MD, to review her case and discuss surgical options.

“It’s amazing how quickly everything started,” Dr. Jetty said. “When you have a diagnosis of cancer, sometimes it can make you feel like the world is falling apart, but it wasn’t like that here.”

The timely manner at which things were moving was just one of the factors Dr. Jetty found reassuring. Among several others was the ability of the physicians, nurses, and nurse navigator to explain each step of the process and answer questions in a way anyone could understand. Even though Dr. Jetty and the members of her family are physicians, their expertise is not in cancer care. 

Dr. Jetty’s original treatment plan involved six cycles of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy. With each of her infusions, she said Jeffrey Rose, MD, was very attentive and compassionate when meeting, asking how she was tolerating the treatment to see if any changes were needed.

Based on her response to the chemotherapy and what was being seen in screenings, the decision was made to go forward with a mastectomy performed by Dr. Spahn.

“Dr. Spahn is such a wonderful surgeon,” Dr. Jetty said. “She is so compassionate and so thorough with explaining everything and helping make the decisions. It wasn’t so much telling us what needed to be done, but helping us make the decision and then being OK with the decision.”

Dr. Jetty recovered well from the surgery performed in mid-April, but will remain on a treatment plan of immunotherapy and chemotherapy until February. Expressing appreciation for all the help provided by her Adena work family, she has been thrilled with her return to providing well-child visits.

Speaking from her experience as a patient, Dr. Jetty said the quality of care that she received and the convenience of being able to stay close to home to receive it should make Adena a destination of choice for both her fellow caregivers and members of the public alike.

Center patient Dr. Lois Jetty & her husband

“I would definitely trust all of those providing care here,” she said. “Plus, your family is not being disrupted by having to drive all the time to Columbus or elsewhere. Exceptional care close to home, that’s something that I know from my experience is really, really important.”

For more information on the providers and services available at Adena Cancer Center or to request an appointment, visit or call 740-542-3030.