Adena Health Breast Cancer Awareness 5K Walk/Run offers chance to help in the fight against breast cancer

CHILLICOTHE, OH (August 22, 2024) – There are several ways to fight back against breast cancer. Getting a regular mammogram, staying physically active, and making necessary lifestyle changes are just a few.
Now, you can add one more to the list.
On Saturday, October 5, Adena Regional Medical Center will host the Adena Health Foundation’s Breast Cancer Awareness 5K Walk/Run, with proceeds supporting cancer care across the region through the Adena Health Foundation’s cancer fund. The event will begin at the PACCAR Medical Education Center on the Adena Regional Medical Center campus, 446 Hospital Road, Chillicothe, with runners and walkers working their way across the campus against a backdrop of the beautiful hillsides that are hallmarks of the area.
Registration will take place at 8 a.m., with the actual event stepping off at 9 a.m. Cost to participate is $35 for adults and $20 for children, with several event sponsorship levels also available. The registration fee includes an event t-shirt, and yard signs may be purchased to honor a loved one who lost their battle with breast cancer or is a breast cancer survivor.
An estimated one in every eight women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Regular mammograms are one of the best ways to catch breast cancer in its earliest stages when it is the most treatable. Performing breast self-exams looking for any unusual lumps or abnormalities is another way to determine if it is time to seek medical help.
The 5K Walk/Run to help kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October is one way Adena Health is helping raise awareness of the symptoms, prevention, screenings, and treatment of breast cancer. The team at Adena Cancer Center stands ready to provide compassionate, quality care as a powerful ally in the fight against cancer when needed.
To register to participate in the 5K Run/Walk or to become an event sponsor, visit