Our Caregivers
Hear stories from our Adena caregivers
Work with us
Adena Health professionals are dedicated to serving patients and striving to make a true difference in people’s lives and in the communities in which they live and work. Our culture is one in which diversity is valued and quality of life is enhanced within an engaging and supportive environment where contributions are recognized and rewarded.

Every day, we work to build a close-knit environment for our team that evokes our key values of compassion, excellence, integrity, and trust.
Jamie Arledge
Jamie Arledge, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Jamie Arledge on nursing leadership and opportunities at Adena Health
Kyle Arrowood
Kyle Arrowood, RN
Kyle Arrowood's career journey at Adena Health
Tisha Conaway
Tisha Conaway, BSN, RN
Tisha Conaway's journey from nursing school to Adena Health
Candice Kennedy
Candice Kennedy, MHA, BSN, RN
Candice Kennedy on her diverse role and what Adena offers
Tammy Moore
Tammy Moore, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Growth and learning opportunities with Tammy Moore
Makenna Riley
Makenna Riley, RN
Makenna Riley shares her career path at Adena Health
Tessa Sylvester
Tessa Sylvester, RN
Tessa Sylvester's journey to behavioral health at Adena