What to expect

Know what to expect before you surgery

(740) 779-4550

Pre-Admission Surgery Testing

Tests before your surgery, referred to as pre-admission testing, is a necessary step in ensuring your health and safety before you undergo any surgical procedure. Below are common questions and answers about pre-admission testing at Adena Regional Medical Center.

When is pre-admission testing done?
Pre-admission testing is typically conducted within 30 days leading up to surgery, with an optimal testing time between two and four weeks prior to surgery to allow adequate time for results.

What does pre-admission testing involve?
A pre-admission session involves answering a series of questions and tests to eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions, drug counteractions, or physical complications before, during, and after the surgical process. Blood tests also may be conducted for certain patients and surgical procedures. This allows the transfusion service to prepare a unit of blood, should one be needed, before surgery. Additional testing, such as chest X-rays and an EKG, also may be conducted during the appointment. Patients should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their appointment and allow at least 1 hour for the testing.

The pre-admission testing is also a time for you to address any concerns you may have and discuss specific alterations to your current drug regimen and changes in prescriptions that may be necessary in the weeks leading up to your surgery.

How do I schedule pre-admission testing and where is it located?
The surgical team at Adena Regional Medical Center is dedicated to ensuring patient safety and an excellent outcome with every procedure performed. The office staff of your primary surgeon or physician will typically schedule your pre-admission testing when they schedule your surgery.

Pre-admission testing at Adena Regional Medical Center in Chillicothe, Ohio is on the 2nd floor via the west entrance. See the image below for reference.

Should I have someone drive me?
Pre-admission testing does not require you to have a driver. However, if you are arriving from a nursing home, have a power of attorney (POA) responsible for signing documents for you, or if you are unable to answer questions, someone else (POA if appropriate) should accompany you to the testing.

For more information about pre-admission testing, call 740-779-7050.

Protecting Your Safety

While you can rest assured that your Adena surgical team is doing everything we need to do to ensure your safety and an excellent outcome, there are some steps you can take to help:

  1. Complete an up-to-date medication record and bring this to the hospital with you. We will check your record to avoid any adverse drug interactions.
  2. Talk to your anesthesiologist. Anesthesia is a very important part of your surgery, and our anesthesiologists will take every step possible to ensure your safety. They will talk with you before your surgery, maybe even while you are still at home, to understand your health history and make sure they know about possible allergies or reactions. Your anesthesiologist will explain the type of anesthesia that will be used and how that will affect you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make sure you feel comfortable with the procedures.
  3. Stop smoking. Whether your surgery is a day, a week or a month away, stopping smoking has immediate and long-term benefits. Lung capacity and wound healing both improve the longer you go without smoking.
  4. Control your blood sugar. If you have diabetes, eating a healthy diet and managing your blood sugars closely prior to surgery will aid in a safer and faster recovery. Be sure your surgeon knows you are diabetic and bring your medications with you to the hospital.
  5. Get help. While you are in the hospital, ask your family and friends to help ensure your safety by taking these precautions: 
    a. Limit the number of visitors and the time they spend with you. Rest is one of the best ways to help the body heal after surgery.
    b. Ask visitors to not come to the hospital if they are sick with a cold, flu or any type of infectious condition. 
    c. Ask all visitors to wash their hands when they enter your room. Whether they touch you or not, they will be touching chairs, beds and other items in your room. Washing their hands is a simple yet proven way to reduce the threat of infection.
  6. Rest. Try to come to your surgery well rested, which will help your body mend even faster.

What to Bring

You should bring only essential items with you to the hospital. Please leave all valuables, including jewelry and most cash at home. You may wish to bring:

  • Personal hygiene items that you prefer
  • Robe and a pair of non-slip slippers
  • Small items that bring you comfort such as a photo, book or magazine
  • Your cell phone and charger
  • Your glasses and/or contact lenses and appropriate solutions
  • Dentures, case and cleaning solution

Documents you should bring:

  • Your health insurance card(s) - If you are covered by more than one insurance policy, please bring a card for each policy. If your surgery is due to an on-the-job injury, please bring your worker's compensation information, including billing address and claim number.
  • Picture identification, such as a driver's license or state ID card.
  • A credit card or a check for any co-payment that is required by your insurance.
  • A list of your medications , dosage amounts, and the frequency with which you take them.
  • A copy of any advance directives, including your Living Will and Medical Durable Power of Attorney: You can download Ohio advance directive forms and learn more at Caring Connections.
  • Any applicable guardianship or custody documents


Before your surgery you’ll meet the physician specialist responsible for your well-being – your anesthesiologist.

Anesthesia keeps a patient comfortable throughout a surgical procedure. During surgery your anesthesiologist will direct your anesthesia and manage vital functions, including blood pressure, heart rate, rhythm, temperature, and breathing. Continued medical management after surgery is necessary to help you have a speedy recovery.

Types of anesthesia

  • General: With general anesthesia you are unconscious and have no awareness of the surgical procedure.
  • Regional: With regional anesthesia your anesthesiologist injects medication into the operative area. Examples include epidural, spinal, and nerve blocks.
  • MAC (Monitored Anesthesia Care): MAC is local anesthesia with sedation to help relax you.
  • Local: Local anesthetic may be injected into the skin to numb the area where surgery will be performed.