Surgery at Adena Health



General Surgery

Why choose Surgery at Adena Health?

Adena Regional Medical Center offers a list of specialties within Surgical Services to meet the needs of our patients.  Below is a brief overview of what to expect on the day of your procedure.  Staff with Adena Surgical want to ensure you and your loved ones have the best experience as possible.

The main campus surgery suite offers elective same-day surgery, inpatient surgery, and emergency surgery.

If you have any concerns or need further information prior to surgery, please reach out to the SDS/PACU Nurse Manager at 740-779-8286 or the Main OR Nurse Manager at 740-779-8549.


Navigating Your Surgical Journey at Our Facility

The Preoperative Phase: Beginning Your Surgical Journey

Embarking on your surgical journey, the preoperative phase is where your procedure begins. Upon arrival for elective procedures, please check in at the Surgery desk, where our liaison will warmly greet you and gather your necessary information. While we strive to minimize wait times, there may be a brief period before you are escorted to your room. Should your wait exceed 15 minutes, kindly check with our desk staff. In the pre-operative room, we respectfully ask your family to wait in the lobby, with exceptions made for patients under 18, ensuring a smooth and efficient pre-operative process. Once all preliminary processes are complete, your family will be invited to join you.

  • Visitor Note: To ensure patient privacy and manage limited space, we limit visitors to two at a time.

The Operating Room: Where Expertise Meets Care

Your transition to the operating room will be facilitated by a dedicated staff member, ensuring your comfort and readiness for the procedure. A specialized team, assigned to your care, will be awaiting your arrival, ensuring you are comfortable and prepared before the procedure begins. Upon completion, the surgeon will engage with your family to discuss the outcome, providing insights and answering any queries they may have.

Recovery Room and Discharge: Ensuring a Smooth Transition Home

Your recovery time will be contingent on the nature of the procedure and the type of anesthetic used. During your stay in the recovery room, we will keep your family informed of your status and progress. They will be welcome to join you in the discharge area, where our staff will ensure that any pain is effectively managed and all home care instructions are thoroughly reviewed before you are discharged.

  • Important Reminder: Please ensure that you have arranged for a responsible individual to drive you home and accompany you for the initial 24 hours post-procedure.

Your care and comfort are our priority throughout each phase of your surgical experience, and we are here to ensure your procedure and recovery are smooth and successful.

Our Locations

Map of Adena Regional Medical Center

Adena Regional Medical Center

272 Hospital Road
Chillicothe, OH 45601
Get directions