Adena to Tighten Visitor Restrictions on Monday

Adena Health System announced today that it will be tightening its visitor restrictions on Monday, November 23, 2020 in an effort to help limit the spread of Coronavirus and other respiratory illnesses, as inpatient volumes at its hospitals and COVID-19 positive cases across the region continue to rise.
“One third of all confirmed positive Coronavirus cases in Ohio since February have occurred in the last two weeks,” said Chief Clinical Officer Kirk Tucker, MD. “That shows you the magnitude of this current surge. It is trends like this that our clinical and operations teams examine closely and make decisions that are in the best interest for our patients, visitors, physicians and staff.”
He added, “This is why Adena is moving back to a tightening of our visitor restrictions. It is important to know that we were unanimous in our plan not to go to a zero visitor policy at this time. Having zero visitors is bad for patient morale, but also creates challenges with staff coordinating patient discharge plans with family members or support persons not present.”
Effective Nov. 23, 2020, at Adena Regional Medical Center in Chillicothe, Adena Greenfield Medical Center in Greenfield and Adena Pike Medical Center in Waverly, visitor access will be limited to:
- One named visitor on Non-COVID Inpatient Units per day during limited visiting hours;
- One named visitor in Emergency Departments for non-COVID suspected or confirmed patients;
- One named visitor for Inpatient Maternity/Labor & Delivery/Pediatrics COVID patients per patient including minor patients and one visitor for non-COVID patient with exception of minor patients who will be allowed one parent in addition to one named visitor;
- No visitation with the exception of end of life for Confirmed or Suspected Inpatient COVID patients;
- No visitors in ICU without clinical team approval;
- Up to two visitors limited to immediate family for any End-of-Life Situations;
- One visitor for Elective Surgery patients going home after the procedure;
- No visitors on the Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit;
- No visitors for Outpatient/Ambulatory Clinic visits and testing unless the following exceptions;
- Minor patients (under 18) – two visitors, limited to only parents or guardians
- OB and Pediatric clinics: new mothers with lifting restrictions
- OB Clinic: no visitors
- Pulmonary Clinic: one visitor for patients struggling with ambulatory issues
- One visitor/support person for patients with significant physical or mental disabilities
- Support person required for care planning or to support of disease management (i.e., cancer diagnosis) – must be approved by provider in advance
- Patient brought in by transport
- No visitors under age 18;
- One named visitor acting in the role of a Caretaker for non-COVID patient will be allowed access if meet requirements set by clinical team;
- Inpatients may have one in-person Spiritual Support visit by their own clergy for brief spiritual support if requested by patient and family;
- Due to space limitations in relation to social distancing, waiting room areas are closed to visitors; and
- Visitors are not to be loitering in the hospital and must remain in patient room at all times.
Hospital visiting hours will be limited to 2 - 7 p.m., seven days a week. Adena’s Visitor Policy is available to view at Visitor Policy. To assure a safe environment, all visitors are required to participate in the COVID-19 screening process at entrances, maintain social distancing, follow hand hygiene guidelines, and must wear a mask or face covering throughout their visit including while inside of the patient room.