Adena Greenfield Medical Center Announces Expansion Project

Adena Greenfield Medical Center (AGMC) is expanding health care services to residents of Greenfield and the surrounding area. A new 8,500-square-foot medical office building will be attached to the medical center and house new specialty clinics and equipment that will expand local access and convenience.
“As the population of Greenfield and surrounding communities has grown and changed, so has its health care needs,” said Jeff Graham, Adena President and CEO. "The expansion of a new medical office building will give AGMC the opportunity to create more access to specialty care and introduce new specialty services in the future reaffirming Adena’s commitment to provide the most comprehensive care close to our patient’s home. When completed, the new space will allow AGMC to provide triple the patient visits Adena currently provides in Greenfield, Highland County, and the surrounding areas.”
The roots of care in Greenfield run deep, dating back over 100 years to a small community hospital founded in a stately house on what then was the edge of town. The hospital has evolved since those humble beginnings, and over the years grew to become a modern 25-bed general medical and surgical hospital with a newly renovated emergency department.
The new Greenfield medical office building, which will include exam rooms, procedure rooms, space for inpatient pharmacy, waiting areas, as well as add parking, will provide the physicians, space and technology to enhance existing services or add new services in the areas of:
- Cardiology
- Endoscopy
- General Surgery
- Neurology
- Pain Management
- Podiatry
- Sports Medicine
- Urology
- Wound Care
The $3 million project is anticipated to open spring 2022.
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