Avoiding burnout in the workplace

Workplace burnout can strike even the most dedicated employees, but there are simple strategies anyone can use to regain a sense of contentment and productivity.
Adena Health psychiatrist Rebecca Ekstrand, DO, advises that symptoms like exhaustion or a change in interest when you once were enthusiastic about your day-to-day responsibilities may be a signal to step back and reflect.
“If you’re experiencing symptoms of burnout, it’s important to figure out what’s causing you to feel that way,” Dr. Ekstrand says. “Then you can make changes to help yourself. The situation isn’t going to get better until you address what’s making you feel burned out.”
Dr. Ekstrand says that working in a demanding job environment can make you feel depleted where you once had plenty of energy to complete your tasks. If these feelings start to creep up, it’s OK to ask for help.
“Talk to your company’s human resources department or your manager to come up with a solution, and strive for better work-life balance,” she says. “That might mean setting boundaries around answering emails or discussing work issues after hours. It’s important to unplug and spend time with friends and family when the work day is over.”
Self-care is also an important factor in preventing workplace burnout, as is cultivating positive relationships with your co-workers.
“Eat healthy foods, make time for a walk, and don’t isolate yourself,” she advises. “Who you surround yourself with at work can make the day lighter.”
Dr. Ekstrand says that other burnout symptoms like headaches, pessimism, and sleep disturbances can also be signs of clinical depression.
“Talk with a counselor if you suspect it’s more than burnout so you can troubleshoot and identify a play together,” she says.
If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of burnout, depression, anxiety, or any other mental health concern, Adena Behavioral Health is here to help. Learn more about our services at adena.org/behavorialhealth or schedule an appointment at 740-779-4888.