Women and Children’s Center Awarded New Baby Comforting Seats

Parents don’t vibrate like a bouncy seat or rock back and forth like a swing. How they naturally move with an infant does offer a level of comfort to a newborn that only a parent can provide. That is until now.
4moms, a rapidly growing company that uses robotics and other technology to design and transform baby gear. The company recently donated five mamaRoos to the Adena Women and Children’s Center. A mamaRoo is the only infant seat with five unique motions that mimic the natural movements parents make to comfort their baby.
“Having the mamaRoos will give us additional resources for soothing a baby that is more irritable,” said Tasha Turner, nurse manager Women and Children’s Pediatrics/Nursery. “This not only helps our babies be more comfortable, but will also give our moms and families peace of mind knowing their baby is more relaxed in the Nursey.”
The donation of the five mamaRoos was the result of a program the company held last month where former patients, staff and the public were encouraged to nominate their favorite nursey, explaining why that particular nursery was deserving of the gift. From nearly 7,000 nominations, Adena was selected to receive the unique, baby-comforting seats. Nearly 60 passionate stories about the Adena Women and Children’s Center and Level II nursery were shared. Some of the nominations read as follows:
Nearly 60 passionate stories about the Adena Women and Children’s Center and Level II nursery were shared. Some of the nominations read as follows:
“I have had both my baby deliveries at this hospital, and I wouldn’t pick another place to go. I have been touched by all the amazing staff, nurses, and doctors. You couldn’t pick a better place to welcome a little one.”
“I feel that Adena has the best Labor and Delivery department. I have had four babies there and have had wonderful experiences every time. With my last baby, I ended up hemorrhaging and they took matters into their own hands, and knew just what to do to save me. I couldn’t thank them enough for their wonderful staff and how hard they work and the dedication put into their job.”
“I have personally seen the blood, sweat, and tears that the Adena labor and delivery nurses put into their work. They are a Level II nursery that cares for a very large number of drug-addicted babies. These babies are fussier than most non-addicted babies. A donation would help to soothe and comfort these babies. Those nurses see many babies in some very sad situations and they give those babies the love, care, and attention that they deserve.”
“Very compassionate nurses taking care of babies born preterm or addicted from mother on drugs. Our area has been hit hard with addiction, and these nurses continue to work hard to get the mother help and to care for babies during the withdrawal phase. This is a blessing to have this Level II Nursey in our area. They deserve to be recognized for a job well done.”
“The nursery staff works very hard each and every day and hold each other accountable for all of their success. They always do what is best for our patients and are so compassionate and caring for the mothers of our patients. Working beside these girls has been the best pleasure.”