5 Secrets to a Making Healthy New Year's Resolutions That Lasts

As a new year begins, Adena Health System urges you to make healthy living part of your 2018 resolutions. Although made with the best of intentions, most New Year's resolutions don’t make it to February. Instead of major life overhauls that set you up for disappointment, Adena suggests planning manageable and positive lifestyle changes for the New Year.
People who make realistic resolutions are more likely to keep those promises throughout the year. Adena offers these healthy recommendations to help you and your family start the year off on the right foot and reach your goals.
- Start small. Make promises that you can keep. Rather than make a resolution to exercise every day, aim to get to the gym three days a week. Instead of overhauling your entire diet, try replacing sugary treats with healthier options, like fruit.
- Take a gradual approach. Making lifestyle changes may take time. Don't expect miracles overnight. Try replacing one unhealthy behavior at a time.
- Don't go it alone. Talking about your resolutions and finding support can help you reach your goals. Try forming a group or take a class with others who have common goals. Having support and being able to talk about your struggles and progress can make sticking to your resolutions less overwhelming.
- Give yourself a break. No matter how hard people try, no one achieves perfection. Don't give up on your resolutions if you make a mistake or have a setback. Move beyond your slip-up and get back on track.
- Ask for help. If you feel like you need help to achieve your goal, seek the support of a health care professional. Adena is always here to provide close-to-home and convenient care. To find a location and provider near you call 740-779-FIND or visit locations.
Setting small, attainable goals throughout the year, instead of an overwhelming goal on Jan. 1, can help you reach whatever it is you strive for. Remember, it is not the extent of the change that matters, but rather the act of recognizing that lifestyle change is important and working toward it, one step at a time.