Keeping Kids Active

Shut off the screens and head outside this summer

If you’ve recently started a sentence with “When I was your age”, congratulations: you are officially a concerned parent.

Times have certainly changed since we were their age, even though it hasn’t been that long since we were kids.

Our summers were spent outside, and most of us knew we weren’t expected back home until the street lights came on.

Today is…different. Most of us probably can’t get our children to go outside, let alone stay outside for more than an hour. Why is that?

Two words: the Internet.

Screen time is their time

For better or worse, technology has taken several leaps forward over the last couple of decades in ways few could have even imagined. It’s also made our lives better – more or less.

Nearly every aspect of our lives is now tied to a screen. Think of how many hours you spend in a day looking at a screen. Now imagine how many hours your children are doing the same thing – and the effect it’s having on their mind, body and spirit.

“ I worry about screen time a lot,” says Kristen White, MD, a pediatrics specialist at Adena. “Our kids are getting screen time everywhere: at school on chrome books, at home for homework and on cell phones, tablets and TV for entertainment. I have kids who come in with tension headaches from eye-straining all day. As parents, we have to try our best to limit screen time when they get home. I also encourage parents to monitor what their child is doing on their screens. I often find a lot of behavior problems are stemming from the impact of the screen time they have.”

The effects of tapping, typing and swiping

Our kids are getting more sedentary, and so are we. It’s a side effect of the convenience our technology has created. As kids get older, they are likely to be less active because of:

  • More demands at school
  • A feeling they aren't as good at sports as other kids
  • A lack of active role models
  • Busy working families

Having no class is a good thing

It’s not all doom and gloom. Our phones and tablets aren’t ruining our children’s lives. They just need a little less priority. Now that the school year is winding down and summer vacation is upon us, it’s the perfect time to shift gears.  

“Use this summer to your advantage, says Dr. White. “Spending time outside will help your overall physical and mental health. Turning off the screens and going outside with our kids will do wonders. Sign up for a recreational sport or activity – it will hold us accountable for getting out and making new friends. If your child is more interested in art, use sidewalk chalk or paint to get them outside. Swimming is also a great summer activity that kids enjoy but is also great exercise. I also think if we do activities as a family, everyone is more likely to get involved and not feel singled out.”

Age-appropriate activities for your kids

The best way for kids to get more active is to make it part of their daily routine. Toddlers and preschoolers can burn off their wild energy several times a day, while children ages 6 -17 should do 60 minutes or more physical activity every day.

Here are some age-based tips:

Preschoolers – Pre-school children need play and exercise to help them continue to develop motor skills. This can include kicking or throwing a ball, playing tag or follow the leader, hopping on one foot, riding a tricycle (or bicycle with training wheels) and running. Try to hold off on organized sports until they are a little bit older. Just let them build those fundamental skills while having fun.

School-age – Help your school-age children find physical activities they enjoy and feel successful doing. These can range from traditional, low-contact sports like baseball and basketball to biking, hiking or even just playing outside. Schedules are busier during these years, so don't forget to let them set aside some time for free play.

Teens – Teens may have the most choices when it comes to being active. If they are committed to a sport during the school year, do what you can to help make it easier for them to stay conditioned in the summer. This could include providing transportation and the necessary gear or equipment (including workout clothes).

Other ideas to get moving include:

  • Be a role model – If you are more active, they will be more active.
  • Make exercise a form of transportation – Make your kids bike or roller skate to get where they’re going (if it’s a safe travel route).
  • Invite everyone in the family – Group activities are always more fun.
  • Focus on the “fun” part – They won’t realize it’s exercise if they are enjoying it.
  • Make it competitive – Some kids thrive on competition.
  • Assign active chores – Mowing the lawn or washing the car is great physical activity.
  • Give gifts that require activity – Rollerblades and soccer balls will do more for the mind and body than any video game.
  • Plan vacations around activity – Explore new places by hiking or kayaking.

Every little bit helps

Even beyond the summer months, making any kind of activity a priority will have positive long-term effects on your kids.

“Physical activity is good for our physical health but also our mental health,” said Dr. White. “It improves moods and also helps kids’ sleep patterns when they can run off more energy. When we are involved in other activities, it’s a great way for kids to meet new friends, learn about how to get along with others, as well as build confidence when they succeed.”