The ABCs of Selecting a Pediatrician

How to find a provider that delivers the right care for your new baby
A new pregnancy is always exciting. Nothing beats the thrill of springing the news on friends and family as everyone in your world showers you with joy, advice, and gifts upon gifts to help you be ready for the big day.
Then reality sets in.
Once you (and everyone around you) get used to the idea of welcoming a new person into the world, most moms-to-be become the ultimate party planner: an expert strategist with a hint of underlying anxiety as the due date draws near.
As the bearer of child, you’ve thoughtfully chosen everything with motherlike precision: The name. The nursery. Where you’ll deliver. How you’ll deliver. Who’s delivering it. You may have even started a college fund.
But you might be forgetting one important detail: your baby’s doctor.
“Becoming a parent is a big ordeal,” said Amy Maggard, MD, a pediatrics specialist at Adena. “There will be many things to prepare for, so it’s easy to forget various things…including selecting your pediatrician.”
Amy Maggard, MD, sees patients at Adena Health Center - Waverly. Call 740-779-4300 to schedule an appointment.
To be clear, we aren’t talking about the doctor who delivers your bundle of joy and is there for you through every step of your pregnancy. Those are wonderful providers. We’re talking about who will provide medical care for your baby once you leave the hospital.
A Pediatrician is a Partner in Health
A pediatrician is a primary care physician who specializes in the care of infants, children and adolescents through age 18. They will get to know your family and provide valuable, highly personalized medical advice throughout your newborn’s journey through all the many stages to adulthood. During your baby’s first year alone, you will visit this medical professional at least a half dozen times for well-baby checkups. And that’s not counting the unplanned visits for fevers, rashes, first colds and boo-boos.
That’s why choosing a pediatrician to care for your newborn is an important decision you should make before you give birth.
If you’re wondering how to find a doctor for someone who isn’t even born yet, don’t worry. Here are some simple ABCs to keep in mind.
A is for Access and Availability
You want to find a pediatrics team that’s nearby. You don’t want a long commute to the care your baby needs, especially if they are sick. Also check for after-hours and weekend care, particularly with infants. Some pediatricians offer same-day visits and on-call providers you can reach online or by phone.
B is for Background
As with all important decisions, do your homework. One of the best ways to start your search is to ask friends and family for recommendations, including your OB-GYN. Once you have a list, learn as much as you can about each option by:
- Checking to make sure they accept your health insurance
- Calling to see if the provider is accepting new patients
- Researching their background, training and specialties
- Setting up an appointment to meet with a potential candidate before your baby is born
C is for Click
On a human, emotional level, you need to click with the person who provides care to your child. Most pediatricians welcome pre-delivery visits as a way to get to know them. These visits allow you to meet the doctor and ask questions about their style and philosophy of care. These topics may include:
- Antibiotics
- Breastfeeding
- Circumcision
- Co-sleeping
- Immunizations
Listen to your gut - If you don’t feel comfortable after the visit, this isn’t the right pediatrician for you.
Questions to Consider
When you meet with a possible pediatrician, here are some questions you can ask to help find out as much as possible:
- Will you do the first checkup with my baby while we’re still in the hospital?
- What hospital network do you use?
- Does your office have separate waiting areas for sick and healthy children?
- How long is a typical checkup?
- Why did you choose pediatrics?
- Do you have any sub-specialties?
- If this is a group practice, will my baby see different doctors or the same pediatrician each time?
Make Sure You’re All on the Same Page (Including Baby)
During your first few visits after your baby is born, pay close attention to how the doctor interacts with your child. Pediatricians are passionate about caring for children, but you need to make sure your child can form a bond with them. You want your little one to be comfortable going to the doctor as they grow and develop.
One Less Thing to Think/Worry About
Having a pediatrician in place when your baby is born is one less thing on your to-do list. It can also help you focus on the most important part of your birthing experience: having a healthy pregnancy for a more successful delivery.
“Once the baby arrives you’ll be plenty busy,” said Dr. Maggard. “Having an idea of who and where you want to be seen is one less stress, and you’ll have the peace of mind of having a visit set up before discharge from the hospital.”