Local Business Owners Praise Adena Emergency Department

When Chillicothe Papa John’s pizza owner Kamran Zarbakhsh was traveling home from visiting family overseas, the emergency room was the last place he expected his journey to end.
The night of his homecoming, Kamran was in a deep sleep when a strange feeling suddenly awaked him. “It felt as if I had a water balloon stuck in my throat,” he explained. “I started spitting up blood and mucus and knew I needed to get to the emergency room as soon as possible.”
Luckily for Kamran and his wife, Dawn, the Adena Regional Medical Center Emergency Department was the answer for the close-to-home care they need, “Since Adena is so close for us, I was able to drive Kamran to the emergency room rather than waiting on an ambulance,” said Dawn. “It is amazing being able to receive expert care so close to home. If we had to go to Columbus, my husband probably would have not made it and for that I am so thankful.”
Kamran was seen by a provider within minutes of arriving to the Emergency Department. “They got him registered and in a private room before I was even able to park the car,” explained Dawn. “Having a private room made everything a lot less stressful.”
After doing multiple tests and a chest x-ray, Kamran was diagnosed with Epiglottis.
This potentially life-threatening condition occurs when the epiglottis, a small cartilage "lid" that covers your windpipe, swells and blocks the flow of air into your lungs.
While on his trip, Kamran forgot to take his C-PAP machine, which caused the swelling. Doctors also said his immune system was weakened from traveling and the combination of dry air and pressure from the plane ride had a played a factor in his condition too.
“While at Adena I had two amazing doctors,” explained Kamran.
“The doctors who cared for my husband had different bedside manners,” said Dawn. “One was very funny and personable, while the other was very intelligent and business-like. The combination of both was very satisfying and I made me feel 100% confident in their care.”
As business owners, Kamran and Dawn know how important customer service and teamwork are to the success of a business. “Every time we have visited Adena, there always seems to be a great sense of teamwork,” said Dawn. “The staff is always engaging in pleasant conversation with us and one another, and continuously creating a positive atmosphere. That is something we always look for when choosing a business, whether it be deciding where to have dinner or choosing our doctor’s office. We are so grateful to have such a great health system, so close to home. ”